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How Trump Supporters Ramped Up Donations After His Election Defeat?

After losing his re-election bid, President Donald Trump immediately started begging his supporters for funds, claiming that it was important to fund his campaign, which was based on the bogus claim that the election was stolen by widespread fraud.

According to campaign finance filings, people involved in the Capitol riot raised their political contributions by around 75% in the five weeks after the election compared to the five weeks leading up to the election. Many had given very little or no money in previous years, but when Trump attempted to overturn Joe Biden’s mandate, they started to increase their donations.

In the 19 days after the election, Trump and his allies, including the Republican National Committee, raised $207.5 million.

Around 90 of the 311 individuals facing federal charges due to the riot on January 6 have a history of political donations. And the vast majority of them were directed at Trump or his supporters during the last year.

The donations shed light on the political practices and leanings of those accused of storming the Capitol, as well as the impact of Trump’s post-election messaging, which has earned him hundreds of millions of dollars in funds, mostly from small-dollar contributors including those accused of storming the Capitol.

Some Democrats have received donations from alleged rioters, including a few years-old contributions to former President Barack Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders, of Vermont., and more recent contributions to Democratic presidential candidates Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard, all of whom had right-wing political followings.

Report by:

Journalist/Photographer _ Florence Akano

Journalist/Photographer _ Olivier Noudjalbaye Dedingar